Whatsapp Group: 日本語会話クラス (Kelas Bahasa Jepun) Bahagian 18

 23 Oktober 2018

Assalamualaikum sensei.

My name is ***. The purpose I'm writing this is to express my gratitude to sensei. 

I'm very grateful to be one of your students even it just for one semester. 

By joining the Japanese language class, I learned new things and the class is very helpful. The way you conducted class is very good and motivated me as a student and human.

Every week, I'm looking forward to your class because I'm highly depressed but every time I'm in the Japanese class, I can forget how depressed I am, how unworthy I feel, and about suicidal thoughts. I hope you will continue to encourage students and make the class more interesting and informative like you usually did. I hope also in future, you will mention about depression in your class, what I mean is in general, because I think there are so many students suffering from depression. 

I'm not saying you need to care about each of them, but I'm asking a favor from you, pls continue encourage the students. In this world, there are so little people care about others. I'm very grateful I met someone like you sensei. 

That feeling where you wanted to die but actually you don't, is very suicidal. 

God bless.

Sorry to bother you during this holiday week. 

sincerely, ***.


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